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Member Instructions

Renewal, New Membership and Profile Update Instructions

Print out these instructions by clicking on the print icon in your browser. OR click HERE to download a PDF of these instructions.

If you need help, please contact:

Help Topics:

New Membership Application

Existing Members: Accessing your profile for the first time

Renew Your Membership

Update Your Profile

How to hide your email or phone number in your public Directory profile

Why specialization selections are limited

New Membership Application:

Go to the Online Membership Application (in the "Join RECAMFT" menu or click HERE).

Select the desired membership level and click the "Next" button at the bottom right of the page.

Complete the Member Application. If you do not want information to show in the directory, leave the field blank. However, we do require your name, email, phone and mailing address. Your mailing address will not show and you have the option of excluding your email or phone from the directory.

Please complete the Short Description. The Short Description (199 characters max) is what appears in the initial list of therapists. The Short and the (longer) Description (2950 characters max) appear in your profile. The entry fields are small so it's best to create the text in Word (or another application) and paste it into the field. Word also lets you check the number of characters (with spaces), go to the "Tools" menu and select "Word Count."

Note: Please do not select more than the maximum allowed. Any selections after the maximum allowed will be removed (this is done for reasons of fairness to other therapists in the directory). See "Why Specialization Selections are Limited" at the bottom of this page for more details.

Don't forget to upload your HEAD SHOT ONLY picture; it makes a difference. Your profile is much more likely to be clicked if it has a professional headshot. 

Go to the bottom of the page and enter the Code as displayed (this is for security reasons).

Click "Next" at the very bottom right of the page.

Select Payment Method:
  • Select "Online" to pay with a credit or debit card. Click "Next" and you will be taken to the PayPal page where you will enter your credit card info to complete the transaction.
  • Select "Manual" to mail in a check to the address shown under Payment Instructions. Click the "Confirm" button on the right of the page. Print the page for your records.
You will receive an email confirming this transaction.

Your new membership will be activated within a couple of days.

Existing Members, accessing your profile for the first time:

You will need to set a new password to login to the new system for the first time.

Click on "Forgot password" (to the right of the login button, on the left side of the page, below the menu - look carefully, it's there).

Enter the email address you used with your RECAMFT membership and click submit.  If you are unsure of the email address, you might check the Therapist Directory, if you are in it, it will have your email.

An email will be sent to you containing a link to setup your password.

If you never receive a response the email may not be in the system. If you have another email you might try it. Also, remember that RECAMFT membership is separate from the state CAMFT membership. Or you can contact who will check to see if you are in the system and update or enter your email address. Be sure to give your full name.

After setting up a new password, you can now login into your profile via the login box (on the upper right corner of the page).

The first time you login you will be asked, "I agree to terms of use for this website software," click the check box if you agree.

You will be in your profile now.

Be sure to save any changes and logout when you are done.

See "Update Your Profile" instructions below.

Renew Your Membership:

Login to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click your name (on the upper right corner of the home page). This will take you to your profile.

Click the "Renew until (date)" button.

Review the information and click "Next."

Review your profile and make any changes you would like (see "Update Your Profile" below).

Scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click "Next."

Select Payment Method:
  • Select "Online" to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Select "Manual" to mail in a check to the address shown under Payment Instructions. Click "Next" and review the information, then click "Confirm". You can then click on "Go to profile" or "Logout."

Update Your Profile:

Login to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click "View profile" (on the upper right corner of the home page), this will take you to your profile.

Click "Edit profile."

Make any changes you like. If you do not want information to show in the directory, leave the field blank. However, we do require your name, email, phone and mailing address. Your mailing address will not show and you have the option of excluding your email or phone from the directory.

Please complete the SHORT DESCRIPTION. The Short Description (199 characters max) is what appears in the initial list of therapists. The Short and the (longer) Description (2950 characters max), appear in your profile. The entry fields are small so it's best to create the text in Word (or another application) and paste it into the field. Word also lets you check the number of characters (with spaces), go to the "Tools" menu and select "Word Count".

Note: Please do not select more than the maximum allowed. Any selections after the maximum allowed will be removed (this is done for reasons of fairness to other therapists in the directory). See "Why Specialization Selections are Limited" at the bottom of this page for more details.

Don't forget to upload your HEAD SHOT ONLY picture; it makes a difference. Your profile is much more likely to be clicked if it has a professional headshot. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "save."

Then click "Logout" (on the upper right corner of the home page).

How to hide your email or phone number in your public Directory profile:

Login to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click "View profile" (on the upper right corner of the home page), this will take you to your profile.

Click "Edit profile."

Click "Privacy."

If you do not want to your email to show click "No access" for Email. Or if you only want to be contacted by email, you would click "No access" for Phone (normally if you do not want information to show in the directory, you would leave the field blank, but we require email and phone, so this gives you a way for you to hide it if you prefer).

Please leave the rest of the selections as they are.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "save."

Then click "Logout" (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Why Specialization Selections Are Limited

This is done in an attempt to keep the lists focused on our top areas and for reasons of fairness to clients and other therapists in the directory. It is tempting to check all the areas we have interest and some expertise in.

We are in a friendly competition with other therapist for clients. If one therapist checked 15  another checked 3 (that are true areas of specialty), the one with 3 would be at a disadvantage. Also, the potential client would not be as well served by this.

So we have set a limit. Unfortunately the system allows you to check more than the maximum allowed. So in the mean time, we will be reviewing the profiles and removing any more than maximum allowed.

We hope that this explanation addresses the "Why".
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