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RECAMFT's Climate Resolution adopted February 8, 2020

Resolution of the Redwood Empire Chapter of

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (

Commitment to Climate Change Action

Resolved, that the Redwood Empire Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (, on behalf of its members

1. asks our California congressional representatives to continue to act even more urgently and boldly with their bipartisan peers to reduce human-made greenhouse gas emissions to protect present and future generations;

2. supports its members to engage in climate activism for the health and safety of the communities we serve, and to assist clients in ending climate neglect just as we would support clients in ending any form of detrimental neglect;

3. calls upon the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists ( Board of Directors and its regional chapters to pass climate action resolutions and request their respective congressional representatives end climate crisis denial and neglect;

4. will post this resolution on our website with links to relevant resources;

5. will transmit official copies of this resolution to the CAMFT Board of Directors, to the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), to the American Counseling Association (ACA) and other mental health organizations legally and ethically bound to report neglect and abuse.

Mover: Laura Strom, PsyD, RECAMFT Secretary 707-889-9168

Seconder: Tara D'Orazio, MA, RECAMFT President 707-539-5008

Unanimously adopted February 8, 2020 by the 2020 RECAMFT Board of Directors.

Tara D'Orazio, President

Kira Kayler, President Elect

Doreen Van Leeuwen, Past President

Erica Thomas, Chief Financial Officer

Laura Strom, Secretary

Patrick Armstrong, Director at Large

Louisa Gluck, Director at Large

Annette Seibel, Director at Large

Reyna Seminara, Director at Large

Ally Shamseldin, Prelicensed Director at Large

Gail Van Buuren, Director at Large


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