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The Narcissistic Enchantment with Meagan Pugh, LPCC, D.Min., ATR-BC, SEP

  • 05/06/2016
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Ave., Santa Rosa

Presented by Meagan Pugh, LPCC, D.Min, ATR-BC, SEP

The Narcissistic Enchantment is an emotional structure and contract imposed on a preverbal child for the benefit of the parent.  The child is effectively put into a trance state,  ensuring that he or she serves the emotional needs of the narcissistic parent and gets little positive mirroring for an autonomous existence.  It is  common and one of the most insidious of  developmental traumas because both parties are caught in the enchantment.  Trying to move out of it creates a sense of chaos and a real terror of death, especially if a child shows signs of individuating. In many cases, repercussions can be severe.

Due to the nature of this wounding, the healing journey can be challenging for both client and therapist.  This movement to autonomy for the client is fraught with dangers that are not seen in normal development, and both client and therapist can be caught in the entanglement of the trance state.  But there is hope.  By naming, recognizing and supporting the parts of ourselves that are caught, one can heal the effects of the Narcissistic Enchantment and thrive.  

10:30 - 11:00 Social networking and registration

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